Menicon's policy is to respect the privacy of visitors to the ROSE K website. This policy describes how we gather information from the site's visitors and what we do with it.
Our web server automatically recognizes each visitor's domain name and we collect the domain name of visitors to our Web site for the purposes of system administration. A domain name does not provide us with personally identifiable information. You can visit without revealing any information about yourself. This site is not set up to track, collect, or distribute personal information about you (such as name, address, email address, telephone number and product preferences) unless you voluntarily input this information, such as during a registration or request to locate a country distributor. Any information you input will be used by us only as described in the "How we use information" section of this statement. We use electronic records to compile statistics about how collectively our visitors interact with the website. These statistics contain no personal information and are only used by Menicon technical support staff. By voluntarily providing us with information about yourself, you are consenting to our use of it in accordance with this policy.
The personally identifiable information we collect is used by us for internal purposes such as improving our products, learning about our customers' needs and contacting consumers for research, informational and marketing purposes. Unless otherwise required by law or if pertinent to a judicial or governmental investigation, it is not shared with other organizations or persons, other than to organizations or persons assisting us in collecting, assembling or processing this information.
Information submitted or provided to Menicon by a website user or any person or entity regarding Menicon or its products, including but not limited to ideas for new products or modifications to existing products, shall be deemed to be non-confidential and Menicon shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such information to others without limitation or attribution.